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Build Muscle and Sculpt Your Body with Emsculpt®

Just one 30-minute treatment is equivalent to about 20,000 squats or sit ups!!

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No downtime or surgery required

So you've spent hours of your time going to the gym and are constantly watching what you eat only to find you still don't have the flat stomach or toned arms that you've always dreamt of. We may have a solution that can help you finally achieve those goals, without all the work!

What Is EMSculpt®?

Emsculpt® is the leading non-invasive, no downtime, FDA and Health Canada approved muscle stimulation treatment that is used to build muscle and sculpt the body. It is not a weight loss treatment, rather an addition to a healthy routine of diet and exercise!

How EMSculpt® works

EMSculpt® emits highly focused electromagnetic energy to the desired treatment areas, forcing the muscles to contract in a way that is not possible through regular exercise.

Treatment areas include:

A typical EMSculpt® treatment typically lasts between 20-30 minutes.


EMSculptt®  delivers an average 16% increase in muscle mass after a series of four treatments. You will begin to feel some tangible results immediately after treatment. Positive results are typically reported between two to four weeks after the final session, and continue to improve over time.

Who is an EMSculpt® candidate? 

Anyone looking to:

  • Build muscle and burn fat.
  • Jumpstart or compliment their fitness routine.
  • Improve core strength or tone specific muscles.
  • Decrease back pain.
  • Treat Diastasis Recti.

If this sounds like you, book a complimentary demo today!

Who is not an ideal EMSculpt® candidate?

Those who: 

  • Have pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators.
  • Have electronic implants or mental implants in the desired treated area.
  • Are Injured or have impaired muscles.
  • Are pregnant.

EMSculpt® at Dermetics:


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Our team is ready to help. Simply book a consultation or contact us to learn more.

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Our Glossary of Treatments & Concerns

Explore the ever-expanding list of our cutting-edge procedures and technologies — the best way to avoid surgery and freshen up your skin. From injectable treatments to ablative and non-ablative lasers to microneedling with radiofrequency, you can rely on our expertise in combining various treatments to achieve the best results over time.

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